Basic Maneuvers
Gain proficiency in the procedures and maneuvers introduced in the previous flight lesson, especially preflight activities, ground operations, and attitude control during basic maneuvers using visual references (VR).
Learn the elements of crosswind taxiing, turns, and flying at various airspeeds.
Understand collision avoidance and runway incursion avoidance procedures.
Lesson Plans
These are individual lesson plans, keyed to the ACS, which discuss the topics included in this flight lesson. Each of the references below will have further references to additional FAA documents which address the individual topics in depth.
2.B : Runway Incursion Avoidance
2.C : Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance
5.A : Preflight Inspection
5.C : Engine Starting
5.G : Before Takeoff Check
6.C : Airport, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
8.A : Straight and Level Flight
8.B : Level Turns
8.D : Straight Descents and Descending Turns
14.A : Postflight Procedures