Task VII.B: Short Field Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb
Lesson Overview
- Objective
To familiarize the student with the proper procedures and techniques for short-field takeoff and climb.
- Reference
Airplane Flying Handbook - Chapter 5 Aircraft Flight Manual / Pilot’s Operating Handbook
- Key Elements
Use the Entire Runway
Maximum Performance Climb at Vx
Focus Outside the Airplane
- Elements
Vx (Best Angle of Climb Airspeed)
Runway Incursion Avoidance
Takeoff Roll
Maximum Performance Climb
- Schedule
Discuss Objectives
Review material
- Equipment
White board and markers
- IP Actions
Discuss lesson objectives
Present Lecture
Ask and Answer Questions
Assign homework
- SP Actions
Participate in discussion
Take notes
Ask and respond to questions
- Completion Standards
The lesson is complete when the student is able to perform short-field takeoffs and climbs to the satisfaction of the instructor and in accordance with the current Practical Test Standards for the student’s stage of training.
Instructor Notes
- Attention
Maximum Performance Takeoff and Climb …​ this is the mother of all takeoffs, where we put the airplane at its limits to obtain the most performance out of the airplane.
- Overview
Review Objectives and Elements/Key ideas
- What
Takeoffs and climbs from fields where the takeoff area is short or the available takeoff area is restricted by obstructions requiring the pilot to operate the airplane at the limit of its takeoff performance capabilities.
- Why
Short Field Takeoffs develop the pilot’s ability to operate the airplane at its maximum takeoff performance capabilities. This develops a better feel for the plane and results in improved takeoffs and airplane control.
Lesson Details
Short field takeoffs utilize a climb airspeed which results in the greatest gain in altitude for distance traveled. This speed is denoted as Vx, and is usually slightly less than Vy for a given airplane. It should be recognized that even small variations in airspeed (as little as 5 knots) can result in significant differences in aircraft performance.
Prior to takeoff the aircraft should be configured for a short-field departure. In some aircraft the configuration is as in a normal takeoff, and in others there may be differences (eg. some flaps may be deployed). Consult the POH/AFM for the specifics of the aircraft being flown.
Using proper runway incursion avoidance procedures, enter the runway and position the aircraft as close to the beginning of the runway as possible. Waste no runway. Position the controls appropriately (for normal or crosswind conditions), and hold the brakes firmly. Advance the throttle to maximum power and confirm all gauges are in the GREEN.
Once you release the brakes, insure you maintain directional control with the rudder. Anticipate the torque and P-factor forces which want to turn the aircraft to the left. DO NOT HESITATE to abort immediately if anything is amiss, such as the airspeed not coming alive or any engine gauges not being in the GREEN.
Let the aircraft accelerate to the short-field lift off speed, and then smoothly rotate to an attitude that will maintain Vx (or the speed proscribed for a short field takeoff in the POH/AFM). This will be higher than normal, in the range of 12°, and outside references will need to be used to maintain the correct pitch attitude.
During the roll keep the elevator neutral to reduce drag, and don’t deflect the elevator prematurely. Doing so may allow the aircraft to lift off too soon. In the event that the aircraft lifts off prior to Vx lower the nose and let the aircraft accelerate in ground effect. Once at Vx continue to pitch up to maintain that airspeed.
You should compute takeoff and landing performance data prior to all flights. Special emphasis should be placed on determining that adequate runway exists.
As the aircraft leaves the surface it will accelerate more rapidly, and this will require more back pressure to maintain Vx. Once liftoff occurs maintain Vx until all obstacles are cleared, then transition to an normal climb pitch attitude which should be Vy. If deployed, do not retract flaps until clear of obstacles. Also, if flaps are deployed, ensure that the aircraft is above the flaps up stall speed before retracting flaps as pulling them prior to that point may result in an immediate stall.
Checklists should be used, but during the takeoff process use should be delayed until at a safely clear of obstacles.
💥🔥Common Errors💥🔥
Failure to adequately clear the area
Failure to utilize all available runway/takeoff area
Failure to have the airplane properly trimmed prior to takeoff
Premature lift-off resulting in high drag
Holding the airplane on the ground unnecessarily with excessive forward-elevator pressure
Inadequate rotation resulting in excessive speed after lift-off
Inability to attain/maintain best angle-of-climb airspeed
Fixation on the airspeed indicator during initial climb
Premature retraction of landing gear and/or wing flaps
The short-field takeoff and maximum performance climb is based on rotating near and pitching directly for Vx. This allows for the greatest climb in the shortest distance, providing obstacle clearance.
ACS Requirements
CFI PTS Standards
To determine that the applicant:
Exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements of a short-field takeoff and climb by describing:
Procedures before taxiing onto the runway or takeoff area to ensure runway incursion avoidance. Verify ATC clearance/no aircraft on final at non-towered airports before entering the runway, and ensure that correct takeoff runway positioning of the airplane with consideration for other aircraft, surface conditions, and wind.
Short-field takeoff and lift-off procedures.
Initial climb attitude and airspeed (Vx) until obstacle is cleared (50 feet AGL).
Proper use of checklist.
Exhibits instructional knowledge of common errors related to a short-field takeoff and climb by describing:
Improper runway incursion avoidance procedures.
Improper use of controls during a short-field takeoff.
Improper lift-off procedures.
Improper initial climb attitude, power setting, and airspeed (Vx) to clear obstacle.
Improper use of checklist.
Demonstrates and simultaneously explains a short-field takeoff and climb from an instructional standpoint.
Analyzes and corrects simulated common errors related to a short-field takeoff and climb.
Private Pilot ACS Skills Standards
Complete the appropriate checklist.
Make radio calls as appropriate.
Verify assigned/correct runway.
Ascertain wind direction with or without visible wind direction indicators.
Position the flight controls for the existing wind conditions.
Clear the area, taxi into takeoff position and align the airplane on the runway centerline utilizing maximum available takeoff area.
Apply brakes while setting aircraft power to achieve maximum performance.
Confirm takeoff power prior to brake release and verify proper engine and flight instrument indications prior to rotation
Rotate and lift off at the recommended airspeed and accelerate to the recommended obstacle clearance airspeed or Vy +10/-5 knots.
Establish a pitch attitude that will maintain the recommended obstacle clearance speed, or Vx +10/-5 knots, until the obstacle is cleared, or until the airplane is 50 feet above the surface.
After clearing the obstacle, establish the pitch attitude for Vy, accelerate to Vy, and maintain Vy, +10/-5 knots, during the climb.
Retract landing gear and flaps after a positive rate of climb has been verified or in accordance with aircraft manufacturer’s guidance.
Maintain Vy +10/-5 knots to a safe maneuvering altitude
Maintain directional control and proper wind drift correction throughout takeoff and climb.
Comply with noise abatement procedures.
Commercial Pilot ACS Skills Standards
The same as the Private Pilot, except:
Rotate and lift off at the recommended airspeed and accelerate to the recommended obstacle clearance airspeed or Vy +/-5 knots.
Establish a pitch attitude that will maintain the recommended obstacle clearance speed, or Vx +/-5 knots, until the obstacle is cleared, or until the airplane is 50 feet above the surface.
After clearing the obstacle, establish the pitch attitude for Vy, accelerate to Vy, and maintain Vy, +/-5 knots, during the climb.
Maintain Vy +/-5 knots to a safe maneuvering altitude